Monday, February 1, 2010

Fly Ash “Brick” vs. Clay Brick

Over the past several months, a venture-capital backed company has aggressively launched a fly ash brick campaign on the east coast, claiming they have a product that out performs, and is more environmentally friendly than clay brick. While no fly ash brick has yet been manufactured in the US, claims this product is more environmentally friendly and “greener” than traditional clay brick are easily made but difficult to back up.

Currently, claims that fly ash brick are more environmentally friendly and perform better than clay brick cannot be substantiated. There are currently no scientific studies, no track record of durability and no concrete evidence of performance anywhere in the building industry. Without any production yet taking place in the US, claims about its performance are grossly premature.

Clay brick, however, has a performance history that spans thousand of years. Proof of its quality exists in structures found throughout the world. Clay brick is also fully compliant with current ASTM Standards (national building product standards) that govern its physical properties and, to some extent, the performance of brick in the real world.

Only comprehensive testing and development of ASTM Standards specific to fly ash brick, along with a proven track record in the built environment will determine its future. However, the history and extensive testing of clay brick ensures you’re going with a proven winner!

Steve Hubbard
Distributor Sales Manager

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