Monday, October 25, 2010

Sustainable Masonry

This past weekend, The Masonry Society ( held its annual meeting in Bellevue, Washington. TMS is a professional, technical, and educational association dedicated to the advancement of knowledge of masonry materials, design and construction. Engineers, architects, contractors, educators, manufacturers and other interested parties participated in the four-day forum.

My involvement with the meeting was to present one manufacturer’s viewpoint on sustainable manufacturing of masonry products. While we still have a long way to go, some of Mutual Materials’ many noteworthy “green” accomplishments are:

1. Incorporating variable speed drive motors in manufacturing operations.
2. Replacing older motors with higher efficiency models that use less energy.
3. Innovative kiln firing systems that modulate energy input according to
demand, resulting in fuel savings.
4. Using best management practices at plants and yards to manage stormwater.
5. Reforestation of clay mining properties.
6. Use of clean-burning propane fuel in our forklift fleet to minimize emissions.
7. Mutual’s multiple manufacturing locations reduce long-haul trucking of
materials, saving fuel.
8. New product developments, like permeable interlocking concrete pavers(PICPs)
that help support low impact development strategies for our customers.
9. Recycling 100% of the waste water from grinding and press operations.
10. Recycling concrete product plant waste into usable products.

It is important to note that being a responsible corporate citizen when it comes to sustainable manufacturing processes can also be profitable. Many of the initiatives listed also resulted in cost savings as well as helping to conserve resources and protect our famous Pacific Northwest environment. So, when evaluating the cost of incorporating sustainable practices, don’t forget about the other “green” payback….cash!

Rick Crooks
Director of Business Development