Monday, November 16, 2009

For the Advancement of Brick Masonry….

There is an organization that works to promote the advance of brick masonry, Western States Clay Products Association (WSCPA). Founded in 1962, its primary accomplishments have been to provide needed funding for research of clay brick masonry design and construction, especially research relating to the challenges of seismic activity in the Western United States.

Historically, much of the development of masonry building code language in the International Building Code, and formerly the Uniform Building Code, has been impacted by the research sponsored either wholly or in part by WSCPA. The organization has also published several documents that help with the proper design of various brick masonry wall systems.

Design Guide for Anchored Brick Veneer Over Steel Studs

Notes on the Selection, Design and Construction of Reinforced Hollow Clay Masonry

Design Guide for Structural Brick Veneer

Currently, the Design Guide for Structural Brick Veneer is under review. Updated references to current building codes as well as new developments in design and construction practices will help make this
Document more valuable to the architect and engineer.

Other documents available through WSCPA are:

Sustainable Design and the LEED Rating System

Fire Endurance Ratings of Clay Brick Masonry

Color That Lasts Forever...Paving Brochure

Brick Veneer on Steel Studs Brochure

Should any of these articles interest you, they can all be downloaded free of charge from the WSCPA website, A hardcopy may also be ordered through your Mutual Materials representative.

Along with WSCPA, Mutual Materials Company continues to help advance the use of one of the most beautiful, durable, and sustainable construction products available – reinforced clay brick!

Rick Crooks,
Mutual Materials Company

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