Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Prepare Your Jobsite for Winter

Winter is closing in quickly and it is time to think about jobsite weather protection. In the Pacific Northwest, we have two issues to deal with when it comes to wintertime construction. Most of the time, we are dealing with wet conditions. Other times we couple that with freezing temperatures. In the latter situation, there are strict guidelines concerning the laying of masonry in freezing or near freezing conditions. Those can be found on the NCMA or BIA websites. Or ask your local Mutual rep for a copy of Hot and Cold Weather Masonry Construction Guidelines.

Protecting masonry in wet weather really revolves around keeping the materials and walls dry during and after construction. Wet walls won't normally fail, as in the case with frozen walls, but it will invariably cause aesthetic issues downstream as efflorescence and subsequent cleaning issues can lead to permanent staining and unsatisfactory results. The keys to successful wet weather construction are:

1. Provide cover for walls and materials during construction activity.

2. Provide cover for top of walls overnight to prevent the cavity and masonry from filling with water.

3. With conventional scaffolding, turn footplanks over at night to prevent rainwater from splashing on the walls.

4. When cleaning, don't assume walls are wet enough to eliminate the need to pre-wet the wall prior to application of the cleaner.

5. Keep top of walls covered until plate and cap flashing are installed.

If these techniques are followed, your wintertime masonry project will have the best chance to stay and look its best.

Gary Zagelow

Commercial Sales Manager

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