There is a better technique to achieving a uniform blend of color on your jobsite: Blend from two or more pallets at a time. You can understand that our pavers are made several times throughout the year. Each run number could possibly be a slight shade different from the last run. To achieve a consistent color blend, it is important that you mix pavers from multiple pallets together as you lay your design.
Secondly, peeling pavers from the side of the pallet (versus from the top layer by layer) in stacks of 7 to 9 pavers at a time further blends the coloring from each pallet.
Thirdly, having as many pallets of materials on the jobsite as possible will also help blend colors. Imagine having a 900 square foot project to build, but running completely out of pavers on the jobsite after 800 square are laid. You send a runner to the yard to buy another 100 square of materials. He brings the pavers back only to find out they are made in a different run number. Now it’s much harder to blend in that last 100 square feet of pavers.
Finally, these concepts equally apply to retaining wall installation as well.
Feel free to contact us at Mutual Materials if you have any questions about this topic.
Fred Davis
(360) 573-5683
nice info..